Ukraine 3D Print Fundraiser: Update

As the russian invasion and war of conquest in Ukraine grinds on, I’ve been doing some more work to help raise funds to support the brave Ukrainians defending their homes and loved ones.

Ukrainian sculptor Nikita Klimenko has designed another 3D-printable Ukrainian soldier for charity, this one firing a captured russian AK-12. As before you can download the STL file for free, or for a small donation to benefit Ukraine:

So far we’ve raised over $1,000!

The first portion has already been donated to the National Bank of Ukraine’s special fundraising account for Ukraine’s armed forces and the rest will be headed there as soon as Gumroad sends it to me.

Published in: on July 18, 2022 at 11:52 am  Comments (2)  
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3D-printable soldier fundraiser for Ukraine

Horrified by the unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine, I’ve been wracking my brain to figure out how I could help the brave Ukrainians defending their lives and liberty from fascist Putin’s war of aggression.

Given how many wargamers and toy soldier creators there are in Ukraine I figured something related to our beloved hobby would be appropriate.

Thus, I’ve been collaborating with some Ukrainian sculptors to design 3D-printable Ukrainian soldiers to help raise funds for Ukraine.

The first sculpt, designed by a Kharkiv-based artist, of a Ukrainian soldier firing an NLAW, has been finished and is available here for “donate what you want”:

And I’m not the only one undertaking an effort like this. Similar models from people both within and outside Ukraine have been proliferating in the tabletop 3D-printing community. Some examples include:

Please support if you can!

Published in: on March 24, 2022 at 3:16 pm  Leave a Comment  

Resin 3D Printing for Wargames

resin 3d printing for wargames

I finally pulled the trigger and got myself a resin 3D printer for wargaming.

I’d been thinking about getting one for a while, and now that they’re at the point where 3D printed wargame miniatures are practically indistinguishable from sculpted and cast ones, I figured this was the time. Plus, resin 3D printers have never been cheaper.

And man, it’s kind of magical. It’s like having a Star Trek replicator for toy soldiers (and you can even 3D print Star Trek toy soldiers with it. Very meta!).

Published in: on October 20, 2021 at 3:36 pm  Comments (9)  
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